Best Places To Retire

The best places to retire in the United States can have multiple factors. How affordable is the housing? How is the health care system? Factors you need to consider when looking at retirement. Some of the best places to live in the United States based on multiple factors are as follows:

1. Lancaster, Pennsylvania

This town in Lancaster boosts several key factors that can help you have an enjoyable retirement. Census bureau data places the average house price at about 198,500. They have a full scale, comprehensive hospital.

2. Ft. Myers, Florida

Florida has no state incomes taxes, which makes it desirable for those on a fixed income. One of the most popular states for retirement, Florida makes senior living fun with options to boat, fish, or relax on the beach. Ft. Myers home prices are a little more higher but still affordable with a great location.

3. Austin, Texas

A lively and busily city, they make it fun for senior living. With great hospitals and affordable housing, this city definitely made the list. The ability to take up to six credit hours free at the University of Texas if you are 55 and older is very attractive.

4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This bustling urban city made the list with access to great hospitals, free public transportation, and affordable housing. Sports enthusiasts would love the city.

5. Grand Rapids, Michigan

The artistic haven has multiple museums and parks to occupy the artistically inclined. The housing costs are far more affordable at about 170,000 average price. There are several options to cutting edge and innovative healthcare.

6. Nashville, Tennessee

Another one of the popular states for senior living, Nashville boosts some of the most idyllic scenery. Seniors will have access to multiple health care options. Housing is very affordable with a median house price of 161,800 and no state income tax, which works for the tight budgets.

7. Lakeland, Florida

No state income tax and low housing costs make Lakeland a great retirement spot. The city is located between two tourism spots, Orlando and Tampa, allowing for many leisure and exciting activities. Lakeland will help be a great spot for grandkids to visit.

8. Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina

This city offers many academic and healthcare options. The city has three of the top universities: Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina Chapel hill. Duke University even has a retirement community, while University of North Carolina allows them to audit courses for free.

9. Allentown, Pennsylvania

This strategically located city is located near a major healthcare center and 90 minutes from New York City. The housing is affordable at around 200,000.

10. Melbourne, Florida

Another Florida city, Melbourne offers attractive tourism with the Kennedy Space Center. The housing is affordable coming at just under 200,000. The beach makes the city an even more attractive option for retirement.